Transmission line

Transmission Line Surge Arrester输电线路避雷器Transmission Line Surge Arrester

Power supply utilities themselves have verified the load losses due to voltage sags on their systems from transitory outages caused by lightning activity and in some regions they have found serious permanent damage caused to the system itself due to these transitory disturbances occurring on important lines. 电源实用程序本身已经验证了负载损耗,由于电压骤降在他们的系统 由雷电引起的活动,并在一些地区短暂停电,他们已经发现了严重的 造成系统本身造成永久性损坏,由于这些短暂的干扰 对重要线路发生。 Power supply utilities themselves have verified the load losses due to voltage sags on their systems from transitory outages caused by lightning activity and in some regions they have found serious permanent damage caused to the system itself due to these transitory disturbances occurring on important lines. read more →